Thursday, 7 February 2013


So, its been a little while and I'm sad to say that there isn't TOO much to report. I've received some wonderful gifts from some of my favorite people, the first of which being a bunch of letters from my home ward YSA which were beautiful and comforting. I miss them quite a bit sometimes. I was also super excited to receive mail, which as a university student, is pretty much the most exciting thing of life. But I really do love these people and am so grateful to have such amazing people in my life who care so much about me.

I also received a lovely Pre-Valentine's Day care package from my "adoptive" grandparents. I know its not as exciting as getting something from a guy on the good ol' Single Awareness Day, but it was nice just the same. They, too, are lovely people and I pretty much couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day. 

So I love my friends, I really really do. And even though I DESPISE this picture of me, it says so much about these wonderful people that I get to see everyday and I thought I'd share with you.

Standing next to me, looking all gangsta, is Miss Whitney Shazam. Awww yeah, I bet you wish you had a name like that. She's pretty much the craziest woman alive and she's a-mazing. Seriously, she says the craziest things and you're left standing there like "where the HECK did that come from?!" But its fantastic. And the lovely lady on the other side of me is Lindsay, whose hair everyday reminds me of the 1920s. She's absolutely spontaneous and always makes me laugh, everyday. And the darlin' standing behind the camera is Emma. She's tiny, but you wouldn't dare let that affect your opinion of her. She's a big ball of fire and sass. I love these people. SOOOO much. So yeah, that's that. ;) hahaha. Honorable mention to this prof for my Development of Western Thought class.

Dr. Myatt. He's British and continually compares himself to Doctor Who, which, if you knew me, is a pretty big deal. He's hilarious, makes me laugh every class. Probably helps that I friggin love that class. And to end, here's a better picture of me to redeem myself from that AWFUL one above. 

"Life is a beautiful struggle."